Monday, June 29, 2009

Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

Our second stop this summer is for four nights at the Diamond Lake RV Park. We're about 6 miles from Crater Lake National Park - and surrounded on all sides by the Rogue and Umqua National Forests.

Our first full day here we rode 55 miles on the road, stopping at various scenic lookouts to check out the many waterfalls. We didn't take a lot of pictures because the mosquitoes were vicious; and every time we stopped we felt we were being eaten alive. We hate mosquitoes - and wish that those responsible for the prohibition against DDT spraying would be locked in a room with thousands of swarming west-nile-virus and malaria infected mosquitoes and bitten mercilessly. ;-)

Yesterday, Deb's sister, Leslie, and nephew, Jamie, drove up from Ashland to see Crater Lake for the first time.

Today, after applying copious amounts of "Bite Blocker" with the latest and greatest bug repellent "BioUd" (which smells like barf, but seems to work), we hit the road for a 70 mile loop including the climb up to the lake. We went downhill for the first 25 miles, then climbed over 5000' to the Crater Lake Rim Road.

Here's Brian on a bridge over the Rogue River.
Crater Lake is truly spectacular!

It's beautiful here at the RV park too. We're right across the road from Diamond Lake, surrounded by a wonderful pine forest. Life is good.